It works simply and without the need for effort or extra accessories. Whenever you wish to take an AFib ECG reading, just hold your finger on the Digital Crown (the button that serves like the home button for the watch). ...

Baby blue didn’t just steal the show this fashion month, it also stole a piece of my heart. From accessories to outerwear and even simple sweaters, this colour gives any item a soft yet statement-making touch. Laboratory-grown diamonds, however, have ...

What was really interesting about fashion at that time was the way rock ’n’ roll heroes like Jimmy Page, Marc Bolan and David Bowie blended the genders so beautifully. It’s really relevant today. So in those days, the guys were ...

Baby blue didn’t just steal the show this fashion month, it also stole a piece of my heart. From accessories to outerwear and even simple sweaters, this colour gives any item a soft yet statement-making touch. Laboratory-grown diamonds, however, have ...

Baby blue didn’t just steal the show this fashion month, it also stole a piece of my heart. From accessories to outerwear and even simple sweaters, this colour gives any item a soft yet statement-making touch. Laboratory-grown diamonds, however, have ...

We have collated five of the best brands that use only lab-grown diamonds, so the next time you are treating yourself or someone else to something sparkly, you can be sure that your conscious is clean. ...

Todo o ano a situação se repete: a falta de drenagem adequada transforma a avenida Professor Monteiro Fonseca, no bairro Vila Brasília, em rio. Isso incomoda os moradores, que têm de sair procurando uma rota para fugir do problema. Segundo ...

Os vereadores montes-clarenses aprovaram em apenas um minuto um projeto de quebra de sigilo de pessoas que realizarem publicidade irregular em Montes Claros. Eles aprovaram o projeto 105/2018 que altera a lei municipal 3.139/2003, onde fixa que as pessoas ou empresas que ...